Getting Started

ABP Technology makes the implementation process, like our application, very easy.


Step 1
Contact us. We’ll spend as much time as you need to explain our application, how it will integrate into your current work-flow, and the anticipated time to full implementation in your facility.
Step 2
You review and sign the Business Associate Agreement and contract. We’ll collaborate with your technical, legal and security staff to make sure that SDMS meets their requirements.
Step 3
You notify your surgeons and their offices that ABP Technology will be contacting them to train them on SDMS. We provide form letters and form emails that you can customize.
Step 4
You provide us with a list of your surgeons, including contact information. This list is your property and is strictly confidential.
Step 5
We train your staff. It’s a very quick process.
Step 6
We train your surgeons and their offices, with personal attention and computer based training tools, and we’ll be there with ongoing support for your new and existing users.
Step 7
SSR’s and Documents start flowing in through SDMS. As more and more of your surgeons begin to use SDMS, you will use your existing system less and less.
Step 8
After one month, you decide if SDMS is right for you – if so, we’re in business! If not (it hasn’t happened yet) we go our separate ways. No risk – only reward.

 Get started now - contact us